After finally getting the carbs off i attempted to clean them. Now i didn't really know what i was looking for in terms of them being gunked up but externally, they were pretty much fucked. The picture doesn't really do it justice but i definitely got through a few toothbrushes on this piece. I didn't get many pictures for some reason but with the aid of YouTube tutorials, the Clymer manual and a can of carb cleaner i go the jets, float bowl, needles etc scrubba dubbed.
They were pretty clean inside with only a bit of fouling on the two carbs to the left in the picture below which i learned, after taking them to a few local garages, was due to the choke butterfly valves seizing up. I reckon this could be why it wouldn't start when i brought it out of retirement after the winter. The mechanics offered predictably cryptic advice and committed to nothing, so i got them home and after scratching my head for a while, pushed them in really hard and they cracked open. I took them back to garage that was most helpful for a check over and they said they looked sound mechanically but i wont know until i put them back on the bike and fire it up for sure and that won't be for some time i can tell you now for nothing Barry.
Pre-Clean - i blasted them with push bike muc off cleaner, the pink stuff and some toothbrush elbow grease.
Top of one of the carbs with the cover off. The gasket, i learned is made from cork, though i thought it was just cardboard originally. That was one dirty arse spring and was responsible for the mechanism requiring Stallone's right arm to make it work previously.
T'ird's eye view.
I also had a go at removing and then bleeding the front brake along with the handlebars the next day. It was a messy do. Brake fluid is nasty. I'm learning.
No amount of Stallone arm could crack this bolt. I really need an impact driver immediately.
I hate machined wheels. It's also worth mentioning that the brakes on this bike are pretty turd at the best of times.
End of the day shot...
...and rehlaxxx (good on yer' Dad, you mucky 80's porno hoarding bugger)
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